How Often Should You Paint Your Home's Exterior?
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How Often Should You Paint Your Home's Exterior?
Repainting your home's exterior gives your home a nice facelift as well as an opportunity to check for any damage before you paint.
Exposed patches and damaged paint are clear signs that you're home is in need of a fresh coat. How often you should do it depends on certain factors such as the quality of your the paint job, your home's current exterior finish and your location.
If you have aluminum siding, it can go about 5 years before needing a paint job. Wood siding should be stained approximately every 4 years and repainted every 3-7 years. Stucco can last for 5-6 years before needing a refresh. Newer types of materials like cement fiberboard siding require less frequent touchups (about once in 10 to 15 years). If you have a painted brick surface it can last about 15 to 20 years while an unpainted surface only requires cleaning.
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