Shingle Roofing Tools and Supplies
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Shingle Roofing Tools and Supplies
If you notice your shingles looking old and needing more routine maintenance, it may be time to consider replacing them. Here are some essential tools that we recommend using when doing roof shingle repair or removal.
Shingle Scraper: A shingle scraper is designed to slide under your shingle's edge. Place pressure on the metal heel to pry shingles off.
Pry bar: Pry bars are smaller and some consider it easier to handle than a shingle scraper. You can use this to remove rusted nails and fasteners and broken shingles.
Hammer: The claw end of a small hammer is useful to pull small nails and fasteners that were not removed by a pry bar.
Bar Magnet: These are a great way to collect nails and screws that fall off of your roof during the shingle removal process. Drag the magnet across your workspace and yard to collect stray metal pieces.
If you'd like the pros to handle your shingle removal, contact us at R&C Roofing Contractors for a no obligation roof inspection. With over 50 years of combined roofing experience, our team can help inspect and repair your roof and help keep you safe!
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