• What To Do If Your Roof Suffers Tree Damage

What To Do If Your Roof Suffers Tree Damage - Roofing Tip - Oahu Roofing Co Back to the top

What To Do If Your Roof Suffers Tree Damage

Trees can help enhance your home's landscape but it may also be a significant threat during a strong storm. If a tree falls on your home during a storm or hurricane, here are some possible action you can take.

Evacuate Your Home. For safety reasons, make sure all your family members are safe and out of the house. Staying in your home may not be safe as water may come in contact with our electrical circuits.

Take photos of the damaged areas both indoor and outdoor as proof of damage.

Contact a professional roofing company to help assess the damage and start repairs. If the damage is minor, your roof may only require repairs for damaged or missing shingles. However, if your house has structural roof damage, you may also want to check with a general contractor.

Contact us at R&C Roofing Contractors for a no obligation roof inspection. With over 50 years of combined roofing experience, our team can help inspect and repair your roof and help keep you safe!

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