• Why Perform a Roof Inspection?

Why Perform a Roof Inspection? - Roofing Tip - Oahu Roofing Contractor Comp Back to the top

Why Perform a Roof Inspection?

Hawaii's strong winds and hurricanes can cause significant damage to your roof. Even if you don't see any damage on the outset, damage can build over time. Your roof is the most important part of your homes structure. It is the only thing keeping your home and everything inside safe from the elements, so it needs to be in excellent condition.

Call us for a NO OBLIGATION ROOF INSPECTION. R&C Roofing Contractor will do a full property assessment for storm/weather related damages that may be covered under your insurance policy. If a claim should be filed, we will walk you through your insurance companies claims process.

Our roof inspections are completed by a HAAG Engineering Certified Roof Inspector. HAAG Engineering are the same structural engineers used by insurance companies to assess damages. Our reports are complete and very credible in the roofing industry because of our extensive training and countless inspections to determine weather damages.

Whether you're dealing with something like storm damage, wind damage or just wear and tear, R&C Roofing Contractors can help you inspect your roof as well as perform high quality repairs to ensure that it is in good condition.

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